viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011


1. One
2. Two
4. Four
5. Five
6. Six
7. Seven
8. Eight
9. Nine
10. Ten
11. Eleven
12. Twelve
13. Thirteen
14. Fourteen
15. Fifteen
16. Sixteen
17. Seventeen
18. Eighteen
19. Nineteen
20. Twenty
21. "         " one
22. "         " two

30 Thirty

40. Fourty

50. Fifty

60. Sixty

70. Seventy

80. Eighty

90. ninety

100. one hundred

1000. one thousand

1000000. one million

the time

What time is it? , Do you have the time? , answer: It´s four pm
It´s six o´clock in the morning , ( it´s six am)

It´s ten minutes to five , it´s a quarter to four, it´s about to seven

Basic Phrases

Good morning , Good afternoon , Good evening, Good night ,
How are you? (how do you do?) answer: I´m well thank you and you?

Until we meet again , so long , I´ll see you later , Good bye

please , thanks (thank you) , you are welcome , excuseme, please wait a moment (a minute)

How much is it? , How much are? ,

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Writing: Linking words- while, during and for

1. While is a conjunction and is followed by a clause (subject+verb). If you say: "X happened while  Y happened", it means X and Y happened at the same time.
ex: I met Peter while I was studying at the university

2. During is a preposition and it is followed by a noun. It has a similar meaning to while.
ex: I worked on a farm during my vacation
the noun after during expresses an activity that takes time. ex: during the movie/lesson/afternoon/soccer game

while and during answer the question when?

3. For is a preposition and answers the question 
How long? It is followed by a time expression. ex: I lived there for three years/six months.
ex: we´re taking a vacation for two weeks/ a couple of days.

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

Exploring language: Pronunciation of (ed) endings

The past tense ending -ed  has three diferents pronunciations

1. If the last sound in the base verb is /d/ or /t/, -ed is pronounced as a separate syllable: /Id/.
ex: Eleanor wanted to do important things

2.If the last sound in the base verb is /f/, /k/, /p/, /s/, //or //, -ed is pronounced /т/ 
ex: Eleanor worked in politics

3. The final -ed is pronounced /d/ after base verbs ending in all other consonants
ex: She traveled around New york

4. If the last sound in the base verb is a vowel, -ed is pronounced /d/
ex: and she enjoyed herself

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