martes, 31 de enero de 2012


  • It´s the best home in the world.
  • The front door is at the top of the steps.
  • the are magazines under the table.
  • There is a photo on the television.
  • There are two pictures on the wall.
  • The movie theater is on the left across from the newsstand
  • The bank is next to the supermarket.
  • The bus stop is near the park.
  • There is a mail box in front of the post office.


We use this and these to talk about people/ things that are near to us. Use this for singular and these for plural

ex: I like this ice cream 
ex: I want these shoes

We use that and those to talk about people/ things that aren´t near to us. Use that for singular and those for plural.

ex: Do you like that picture on the wall?

ex: who are those children outside?

domingo, 1 de enero de 2012

Adverbs of frecuency

0%                                      50%                                         100%
never     sometimes          often              usually               always

1. These adverbs usually come before the main verb.
  • I usually go to bed at about 11:00
  • I don`t often go swimming
  • She never eats meat
  • We always have winw in the evenings
  • I sometimes play tennis on saturdays
2. Sometimes and usually can also come at the beginning or the end of a sentence.
  • Sometimes we play cards
  • Usually I walk to school
  • We play cards sometimes
  • I walk to school usually
3. Never and always can`t come at the beginning or the end of  a sentence.

There is/are

  • There is a sofa  (singular)
  • There are two books  (plural)

  • There isn`t an armchair
  • There aren`t any flowers
Yes/No questions
  • Is there a table? yes, there is. No, there isn`t
  • Are there any pictures? yes, there are. No, there aren`t

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