sábado, 31 de marzo de 2012


A compound noun is a fixed expression wich is made up of more than one word and functions as a noun. Such expressions are frequently combinations of two nouns, ex: addres book, human being, science fiction

Compound nouns may be written as two words ex: tin opener, bank account,
or they may be written a hyphen instead of a space between the words ex: pen-name, baby-sitter

Sometimes they may be written as one word ex: earring

Compound nouns may be countable, uncountable or only used in either the singular or the plural. There are examples of each of these types below. Check that understand the meanings of each of the expressions listed. If you understand both elements of the expression, the meaning will usually be clear. If the meaning is not fairly obvious, then it is provided below.

Usually the main stress is on the first part of the compound but sometimes it is on the second part. The word wich contains the main stress is underlined in the compound nouns below.

Here are some examples of common countable compound nonus:

alarm clock                  assembly line          blood donor                 book token
burglar alarm              contact lens             credit card                     handcuts
heart attack                 package holiday     pedestrian crossing    shoe horn
tea-bag                        windscreen              windscreen wiper        youth hostel

Here are some examples of common uncountable compound nonus they are never used with an article:

air-traffic control      birth control           blood pressure          cotton wool
data-processing     family planning      food poisonning        pocket money
income tax              junk food                mail order                     hay fever


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