domingo, 19 de enero de 2025

American English File 1. Check your progress. Part 3.

23. Excuse me, are we in room 218 or 812? (options: are we, we are, we're)

24. "My address is 56 Hudson Road." "Sorry, is that fifty -six?" (options:fifteen, fifty, five)

25. Ronaldo is from Brazil, in South America. (options: South, north, east)

26. I don’t understand the exercise. Can you help me, please? (options: help, copy, check)

27. Ms. Wong, what’s your email address and your phone number ? (options: cell, number, code)

28. Please read the question and circle the correct answer. (options: circle, cover, cross)

29. It’s Saturday ! It’s the weekend – no school and no work. (options: Saturday, thursday, tuesday)

30. Hello class. Open your books, please. (options: Look, open, Go)

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